Source code for symlens.utils

import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from pixell import enmap,utils as putils
import sympy
from sympy import Symbol
import warnings
import contextlib
import os,sys
_warn = False

pixell helpers

[docs]def mask_kspace(shape,wcs, lxcut = None, lycut = None, lmin = None, lmax = None): """Produce a Fourier space mask. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple The shape of the array for the geometry of the footprint. Typically (...,Ny,Nx) for Ny pixels in the y-direction and Nx in the x-direction. wcs : :obj:`astropy.wcs.wcs.WCS` The wcs object completing the specification of the geometry of the footprint. lxcut : int, optional The width of a band in number of Fourier pixels to be masked in the lx direction. Default is no masking in this band. lycut : int, optional The width of a band in number of Fourier pixels to be masked in the ly direction. Default is no masking in this band. lmin : int, optional The radial distance in Fourier space below which all Fourier pixels are masked. Default is no masking. lmax : int, optional The radial distance in Fourier space above which all Fourier pixels are masked. Default is no masking. Returns ------- output : (Ny,Nx) ndarray A 2D array containing the Fourier space mask. """ output = np.ones(shape[-2:], dtype = int) if (lmin is not None) or (lmax is not None): modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape, wcs) if (lxcut is not None) or (lycut is not None): ly, lx = enmap.laxes(shape, wcs, oversample=1) if lmin is not None: output[np.where(modlmap <= lmin)] = 0 if lmax is not None: output[np.where(modlmap >= lmax)] = 0 if lxcut is not None: output[:,np.where(np.abs(lx) < lxcut)] = 0 if lycut is not None: output[np.where(np.abs(ly) < lycut),:] = 0 return output
[docs]def interp(x,y,bounds_error=False,fill_value=0.,**kwargs): """Return a function that interpolates (x,y). This wraps around scipy.interpolate.interp1d but by defaulting to zero filling outside bounds. Docstring copied from scipy. Interpolate a 1-D function. `x` and `y` are arrays of values used to approximate some function f: ``y = f(x)``. This class returns a function whose call method uses interpolation to find the value of new points. Note that calling `interp1d` with NaNs present in input values results in undefined behaviour. Parameters ---------- x : (N,) array_like A 1-D array of real values. y : (...,N,...) array_like A N-D array of real values. The length of `y` along the interpolation axis must be equal to the length of `x`. kind : str or int, optional Specifies the kind of interpolation as a string ('linear', 'nearest', 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic', 'cubic', 'previous', 'next', where 'zero', 'slinear', 'quadratic' and 'cubic' refer to a spline interpolation of zeroth, first, second or third order; 'previous' and 'next' simply return the previous or next value of the point) or as an integer specifying the order of the spline interpolator to use. Default is 'linear'. axis : int, optional Specifies the axis of `y` along which to interpolate. Interpolation defaults to the last axis of `y`. copy : bool, optional If True, the class makes internal copies of x and y. If False, references to `x` and `y` are used. The default is to copy. bounds_error : bool, optional If True, a ValueError is raised any time interpolation is attempted on a value outside of the range of x (where extrapolation is necessary). If False, out of bounds values are assigned `fill_value`. False by default. fill_value : array-like or (array-like, array_like) or "extrapolate", optional - if a ndarray (or float), this value will be used to fill in for requested points outside of the data range. If not provided, then the default is zero. The array-like must broadcast properly to the dimensions of the non-interpolation axes. - If a two-element tuple, then the first element is used as a fill value for ``x_new < x[0]`` and the second element is used for ``x_new > x[-1]``. Anything that is not a 2-element tuple (e.g., list or ndarray, regardless of shape) is taken to be a single array-like argument meant to be used for both bounds as ``below, above = fill_value, fill_value``. .. versionadded:: 0.17.0 - If "extrapolate", then points outside the data range will be extrapolated. .. versionadded:: 0.17.0 assume_sorted : bool, optional If False, values of `x` can be in any order and they are sorted first. If True, `x` has to be an array of monotonically increasing values. Methods ------- __call__ See Also -------- splrep, splev Spline interpolation/smoothing based on FITPACK. UnivariateSpline : An object-oriented wrapper of the FITPACK routines. interp2d : 2-D interpolation Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from scipy import interpolate >>> x = np.arange(0, 10) >>> y = np.exp(-x/3.0) >>> f = interpolate.interp1d(x, y) >>> xnew = np.arange(0, 9, 0.1) >>> ynew = f(xnew) # use interpolation function returned by `interp1d` >>> plt.plot(x, y, 'o', xnew, ynew, '-') >>> """ return interp1d(x,y,bounds_error=bounds_error,fill_value=fill_value,**kwargs)
[docs]def gauss_beam(ells,fwhm): """Return a Gaussian beam transfer function for the given ells. Parameters ---------- ells : ndarray Any numpy array containing the multipoles at which the beam transfer function is requested. fwhm : float The beam FWHM in arcminutes. Returns ------- output : ndarray An array of the same shape as ells containing the Gaussian beam transfer function for those multipoles. """ tht_fwhm = np.deg2rad(fwhm / 60.) return np.exp(-(tht_fwhm**2.)*(ells**2.) / (16.*np.log(2.)))
class bin2D(object): def __init__(self, modrmap, bin_edges): self.centers = (bin_edges[1:]+bin_edges[:-1])/2. self.digitized = np.digitize(np.ndarray.flatten(modrmap), bin_edges,right=True) self.bin_edges = bin_edges def bin(self,data2d,weights=None): if weights is None: res = np.bincount(self.digitized,(data2d).reshape(-1))[1:-1]/np.bincount(self.digitized)[1:-1] else: res = np.bincount(self.digitized,(data2d*weights).reshape(-1))[1:-1]/np.bincount(self.digitized,weights.reshape(-1))[1:-1] return self.centers,res
[docs]def rect_geometry(width_arcmin=None,width_deg=None,px_res_arcmin=0.5,proj="car",pol=False,height_deg=None,height_arcmin=None,xoffset_degree=0.,yoffset_degree=0.,extra=False,**kwargs): """ Get shape and wcs for a rectangular patch of specified size and coordinate center """ if width_deg is not None: width_arcmin = 60.*width_deg if height_deg is not None: height_arcmin = 60.*height_deg hwidth = width_arcmin/2. if height_arcmin is None: vwidth = hwidth else: vwidth = height_arcmin/2. arcmin = putils.arcmin degree = pos = [[-vwidth*arcmin+yoffset_degree*degree,-hwidth*arcmin+xoffset_degree*degree],[vwidth*arcmin+yoffset_degree*degree,hwidth*arcmin+xoffset_degree*degree]] shape, wcs = enmap.geometry(pos=pos, res=px_res_arcmin*arcmin, proj=proj,**kwargs) if pol: shape = (3,)+shape if extra: modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape,wcs) lmax = modlmap.max() ells = np.arange(0,lmax,1.) return shape,wcs,modlmap,ells else: return shape, wcs
""" Sympy helpers """ known_zeros = [('E','B'), ('B','E'), ('T','B'), ('B','T')] def _handle_missing_keys(t1,t2,comp1,comp2): if (comp1,comp2) in known_zeros: if _warn: warnings.warn("Assuming " + t1 + " is zero. Provide a value for it in feed_dict if not!") return 0 else: if "_" in comp1: c1s = comp1.split("_") c2s = comp2.split("_") assert len(c1s)==len(c2s)==2 return _handle_missing_keys(t1,t2,c1s[1],c2s[1]) raise KeyError('Neither ',t1, ' nor ', t2, ' were found in feed_dict.') def get_feed(feed_dict,key): # Instead of # return feed_dict[k] # this allows symmetrized keys. if "_" not in key: return feed_dict[key] # Handle l1 and l2 symbols if key[-3:]=='_l1' or key[-3:]=='_l2': skey = key[:-3] suff = key[-3:] else: skey = key suff = "" # Split into components components = skey.split('_') fcomp = components[0] if len(components)==3: # Non-field-name-case comp1 = components[1] comp2 = components[2] elif len(components)==5: # Field-name-case comp1 = components[1] + "_" + components[2] comp2 = components[3] + "_" + components[4] else: raise KeyError('This key ',key, ' has an unsupported number of components. Excluding the l1/l2 tag, there should be either three (no field-name case) or five (field-name case).') t1 = fcomp + "_" + comp1 + "_" + comp2 + suff t2 = fcomp + "_" + comp2 + "_" + comp1 + suff try: return feed_dict[t1] except: try: return feed_dict[t2] except: return _handle_missing_keys(t1,t2,comp1,comp2)
[docs]def evaluate(symbolic_term,feed_dict): """ Convert a symbolic term into a numerical result by using values for the symbols from a dictionary. symbolic_term: sympy expression feed_dict: dictionary mapping names of symbols to numpy arrays """ symbols = list(symbolic_term.free_symbols) func_term = sympy.lambdify(symbols,symbolic_term,dummify=False) # func_term accepts as keyword arguments strings that are in symbols # We need to extract a dict from feed_dict that only has the keywords # in symbols varstrs = [str(x) for x in symbols] edict = {k: get_feed(feed_dict,k) for k in varstrs} with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore") evaled = np.nan_to_num(func_term(**edict)) return evaled
def substitute_trig(l1x,l1y,l2x,l2y,l1,l2): # Expand cos(2theta_12) and sin(2theta_12) in terms of l1x,l2x,l1y,l2y,l1,l2 phi1 = Symbol('phi1') phi2 = Symbol('phi2') cos2t12 = sympy.cos(2*(phi1-phi2)) sin2t12 = sympy.sin(2*(phi1-phi2)) simpcos = sympy.expand_trig(cos2t12) simpsin = sympy.expand_trig(sin2t12) cos2t12 = sympy.expand(sympy.simplify(simpcos.subs([(sympy.cos(phi1),l1x/l1),(sympy.cos(phi2),l2x/l2), (sympy.sin(phi1),l1y/l1),(sympy.sin(phi2),l2y/l2)]))) sin2t12 = sympy.expand(sympy.simplify(simpsin.subs([(sympy.cos(phi1),l1x/l1),(sympy.cos(phi2),l2x/l2), (sympy.sin(phi1),l1y/l1),(sympy.sin(phi2),l2y/l2)]))) return cos2t12,sin2t12